Français ci-dessous
We have dreamt, we have prayed, we have cried, and we are dying for Peace on Earth, for Peace in Lebanon and surrounding countries.
While politicians of some countries especially those supporting this war are discussing the cease fire issue and indirectly disregarding it, moreover gave additional time to continue these savages attacks and crimes, voices from Lebanon and its supporting countries calling out for cease fire and relief are merely heard. “We, as Lebanon, wish to live” said our P.M. Sanyoura. Indeed we want to live.
For 9 days now, Lebanon is undergoing merciless non-stop daily Israeli air strikes deployed on all areas of Lebanon. People are dying; people are evacuating their homelands; people are fleeing Lebanon. The outcomes: 500,000 displaced person, approximately 2000 injured and dead person and maybe more, around150,000 fled Lebanon through their Embassies others are waiting their rescue, and more than 15,000 as of this morning are totally isolated from any ways of rescue, help or supplies baring and facing the devastating strikes and war with only God’s will for protection.
Reaching the villages in the deep south of Lebanon is impossible. Messages of Israeli’s aircraft were clear: no truck will be allowed to cross, any spotted one is considered a military target. Even the UN forces and Relief forces cannot move to rescue those who were under fire during last night or take out the victims, whereby they became themselves targets. Hospitals around the country and areas are overwhelmed. Relief services and organizations are moving across the country doing their best to assist.
Supplies of all kind are barely available.
This is in brief our struggle for peace and survival. We call upon your support, your intervention to influence your governments to pressure the international and global world for cease fire in order to reach out to those in need.
Nous avons rêvé, nous avons prié, nous avons pleuré, mais nous mourons, pour la Paix sur la terre, pour la paix au Liban et les pays qui nous entourent
Depuis 9 jours maintenant, le Liban subit des attaques aériennes sans merci sur tout le territoire libanais. Des gens meurent, des gens fuient leur terre, des gens fuient le Liban.
Apporter des secours aux villages du sud du Liban est devenu impossible. Les messages lâchés par l’aviation israélienne sont clairs : aucun camion ne sera autorisé à rouler au risque de devenir une cible militaire. Aucune force, même pas celles de l’ONU, ne peut bouger pour secourir ceux qui ont été touchés par les derniers bombardements, à moins de devenir les cibles elles-mêmes. Les hôpitaux sont surchargés. Les services ou les organisations spécialistes de l’urgence font leur possible pour apporter des secours…
Mais nous sommes à court d’approvisionnements.
Voici en bref notre combat pour la paix, pour notre survie. Nous en appelons à votre soutien, votre intervention pour dire à vos gouvernements, et au monde entier qu’un cessez-le-feu doit être décrété pour que nous puissions secourir ceux qui souffrent. ”